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Exploring the Realm of Dreams: Understanding Why We Dream

Joanna Kowalewska

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Ilustration of woman sitting on the red surface, starry night and moon behind her

We all have dreams. Sometimes they're pleasant, like winning the lottery or getting a promotion at work. Other times, they're more frustrating or even terrifying, like being chased by a bear or being late for an important test.

But why do we dream? What purpose do our dreams serve?

Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, and this curiosity has led to the study of dreams in various cultures throughout history, including dreams in Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

What Is a Dream?

The first question is, of course, what are dreams? Unfortunately, there's no easy answer to this query. Dreams could be interpreted as thoughts that occur during sleep, or they could be seen as a window into the subconscious mind. There are a lot of interesting facts about dreams that are not so well-known.

In psychology, Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were a way for the unconscious mind to process repressed thoughts and emotions. Carl Jung, another famous psychologist, believed that dreams were a way for people to connect with their "collective unconscious" - the shared history and experience of all humanity.

Jung was a big believer in the power of dreamwork - interpreting and analyzing dreams as part of his therapeutic practice. He believed that dreams gave people insight into their own psychological state, allowing them to better understand their motivations, fears, and desires.

Are you unfamiliar with dreamwork? Then check my article "Going Deeper Into Dreams: What You Need to Know About Dreamwork".

Why Do Dreams Happen?

When we dream, our brain is very active. Studies have shown that different parts of the brain are active during different stages of dreaming. For example, the part of the brain that controls movement is active during dreams that involve movement, such as running or jumping. The part of the brain that processes images is also active during dreams, which is why they often seem so realistic.

Different Stages of Sleep

There are different stages of sleep, and each stage is associated with different brain activity. The three main stages of sleep are REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep, and delta sleep.

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it is the stage of sleep during which dreaming occurs. REM was first discovered in 1953 by Dr. Michel Jouvet and his team, who observed that when people were awakened during REM sleep, they reported having vivid dreams.

NREM sleep is the deepest stage of sleep, and delta sleep is the stage of sleep when we experience the deepest relaxation.

How Does Dreaming Affect Our Bodies?

The physical effects of dreaming are often overlooked, yet they provide important clues to their meaning. When we dream, our heart rate and blood pressure increase, our breathing becomes more rapid, and our muscles tense up - all in preparation for action as if we're actually doing what we're dreaming about! Even a sudden jolt or muscle spasm called a startle reflex can occur.

All this suggests that our dreams are trying to tell us something important and should not be ignored! By paying attention to the physical effects of dreaming, we can gain deeper insight into their meaning and purpose.

Ilustration of a woman writing in a jurnal, night backgroung

The Role of Dreams

Dreams are a powerful thing, even if we often don't understand them. While the exact purpose of dreaming is still unknown, there are many theories on why we have dreams - from recalling memories to helping us process emotions.

By learning more about the role of dreams and why we have them, we can unlock a deeper understanding of the hidden aspects of our lives.

Dreams allow the brain to process information and sort through memories.

  • Dreams can release stress or deal with emotional issues.

  • Dreams may also be a way for the brain to practice skills or solve problems.

  • Dreams help prepare for future events.

  • Dreams may be a way for the brain to release repressed memories or deal with emotional issues.

  • Dreams can be used to access spiritual or psychic information.

What Influences Our Dreams?

There are a number of things that can influence our dreams. Dreams can be heavily influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the day (or days) before. If we're worried about something or we've had a particularly stressful day, those feelings will likely carry over into our dreams.

In addition to our thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences, it is worth noting that external factors such as the full moon can also influence our dreams, adding an intriguing element to the rich tapestry of dream exploration.

Dreams can also be affected by what we eat before bedtime; sugary or spicy foods are more likely to give us strange, vivid dreams. Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can also influence our dreams. Some drugs, such as antidepressants, can cause nightmares while others may lead to more pleasant dreams.

Types of Dreams

Dreams come in many shapes and forms. Some dreams are vivid, full-blown sequences that may consist of several scenes, while others can be fleeting or fragmented images. Dreams also vary widely in how much we remember from them after waking up. Below you can see some of the most commonly observed types of dreams.

  • Common dreams often reflect everyday life experiences.

  • Recurring dreams may be experienced more than once, hinting at a deeper meaning or message.

  • Prophetic dreams may provide insight into upcoming events.

  • Lucid dreaming is characterized by a heightened awareness of being in a dream state.

  • Nightmares often involve feelings of fear, terror, or anxiety.

Ilustration of two people man and woman speaking sitting next to the table

Tips for Dream Recall

If you're curious about why we dream and want to start exploring the world of dreams, here are some tips that can aid in dream recall:

1. Keep a dream journal - Writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up can help you recall them better in the future and make them easier to analyze.

2. Focus on the emotions present in your dreams - Paying close attention to the feelings that come up while dreaming can give insight into why we have these dreams in the first place.

3. Share your dreams with someone else - Talking to another person about your dreams can help you get a better understanding of why we dream, as well as provide an outside perspective on the emotions and symbols that appear in your dreams.

4. Relax before going to bed - Listening to relaxing music before going to bed can help to calm the mind, allowing for a more peaceful sleep and dream experience.

5. Be patient - not everyone remembers their dreams every night. With practice, you will likely start remembering more and more of your dreams

Exploring why we dream can be a fascinating journey, and these tips can help you get started. By understanding why we have dreams, we may gain insight into our subconscious minds, allowing us to better understand ourselves and our emotions. Take some time to explore why you have dreams and how they may benefit your life - you may just find answers you never knew existed!

​If you are interested in exploring the secret world of dreams, why not try a dreamwork session or join a dream group?

Signature Joanna Kowalewska | Blue Lotus Queendom

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